03 May 2009

Building in CapeTown Summary

Wow, i learned alot during the study of "building in Capetown". First i didn't realize that the very basic building materials we use in the States every day, are rare in Capetown. we use metal and wood studs to frame homes and in Capetown its mud roofs and concrete walls. we take for granted Central air and insulated windows, while in Capetown, its seems vent systems and more windows are the keys to living comfortable.

During the begin of the design i continued to use products that would last forever such as copper roofing material, thinking that these were ways to build homes that were extremely low maintenance. However, I kept on forgetting that many building materials were not readily available. I believe that I i have learned more about living in a greener environment just by limiting my materials and having to come up with better use for the materials i have to heat and cool spaces.

Larry Kegel